1. Discription: Puffed Corn Snacks machinery can finish mixing, extruding, shaping, core-filling, cutting,bake and flavoring in one-pass operation automatically. This line features lots of LLDes, flexible collocation, extensive applied raw materials, various snacks and easy operation. By changing the moulds and process Technology, this line can produce core-filled snacks, like chocolate filled bar, cream filled pillow, rice cake, cereal bar, sheet snacks etc. -
corn flour, rice powder, wheat floer, etc.2. Raw material: all kinds of shapes snacks, for example, ball, stick, wheel, ring, tube, flower, animal and so on.3.Products: 120-150kg/h, 240kg/h, 300-500kg/h4.Capacity: three phases:380V/50Hz, single phase: 220V/Hz. We can change it to what the customers need.5.VoLDage: Mixer→Double-screw Extruder →multi-functional Cutting Shaper→Automatic Fryer→Eight-square Seasoner--Pack machinery6.The entire line : 7.Technical Parameters: