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Nut Microwave Roasting Machine

Nut Microwave Roasting Machine

Macadamia F. Muell. is a perennial evergreen fruit tree of the genus Proteaceae. The main cultivated areas in China are Yunnan and Guangxi, of which Yunnan Province is the country's largest province for macadamia cultivation. Macadamia nut is rich in nutrients and has high economic value. The nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. They are also rich in soluble total sugar, starch, protein, amino acids and Ca, Zn, Mg and Fe which have health effects on the human body. Minerals such as Cu and Mn. Long-term consumption of macadamia can prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, blood sugar lowering, anti-tumor, anti-cancer, anti-aging and other diseases.

Nut Microwave Roasting Machine

At present, due to the developed pore structure of the shell activated carbon, large specific surface area, strong adsorption capacity, etc., it has been widely used in the decolorization and deodorization of pharmaceutical, food and other production processes, as well as water purification filtration and impurity removal. Researchers at home and abroad have conducted extensive research on nut microwave baking equipment such as walnut shell, coconut shell, apricot kernel shell and oil tea shell.t present, due to the developed pore structure of the shell activated carbon, large specific surface area, strong adsorption capacity, etc., it has been widely used in the decolorization and deodorization of pharmaceutical, food and other production processes, as well as water purification filtration and impurity removal. Researchers at home and abroad have conducted extensive research on nut microwave roasting machine such as walnut shell, coconut shell, apricot kernel shell and oil tea shell.

Nut Microwave Roasting Machine

The research on macadamia nuts at home and abroad mostly focuses on planting, pest control, physiological and biochemical, nutrients and nutrients, processing techniques, etc., while the research on macadamia nut shells is relatively rare. Studies on macadamia nut shells have rarely been reported. Most macadamia nut shells are burned as fuel and even discarded, which wastes resources and causes certain pollution to the environment. If the active ingredients are extracted from the husk, the resources are comprehensively utilized, the added value of macadamia nuts is increased, and environmental pollution is reduced, which has certain economic significance and value.

Compared with the traditional high-temperature heating method, the activated carbon prepared by the microwave roasting machine has the advantages of narrow distribution of mesoporous structure and high efficiency, and the microwave power and microwave irradiation time have a significant influence on the adsorption performance and productivity of the activated carbon; Microwave preparation of fruit shell activated carbon is also relatively mature, the process is relatively simple, and the prepared shell activated carbon performance is superior. As an activator, zinc chloride has strong dehydration effect, can significantly reduce the charring temperature of wood, and can inhibit the production of tar by changing the thermal decomposition process. Compared with activated carbon prepared by other activators, the adsorption performance is superior. In addition, it has the advantages of rich void structure and high specific surface area.

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